1·It also relates to a stem section of a gramineous crop plant comprising at least one node.
2·Salinity is one of the major abiotic stress factors that adversely effect the crop plant growth and yield.
3·The row-crop plant stand architect and canopy photosynthesis models are combining to construct sunlight greenhouse cucumber canopy photosynthesis in this paper.
4·The front-end system of crop plant diseases and insect pests' ground survey was a very important tool which could continually observe the farm and maintain the survey data.
5·Wheeler said that scientists have not yet studied the yam's nutritional value to see what benefits the plant offers as a food crop.
6·Collection, storage and handling of plant genetic resources and their global distribution are essential components of international crop and tree improvement programmes.
7·Also, farmers who suffer crop blight could send images from plant samples for remote diagnosis by agricultural experts.
8·The outlook for continued dryness sparked worries that conditions will still be unfavorable when farmers plant their next crop this autumn.
9·Why plant it if the crop is just going to rot in the field?
10·The reserve announcement comes as farmers across China are planting cotton, and in some cases deciding whether to plant cotton or another crop.